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Our store
123 Fake St.
Toronto, Canada
Mon - Fri, 10am - 9pm
Saturday, 11am - 9pm
Sunday, 11am - 5pm
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Our customers tell it better than we do!
4.8/ 5
based on 14067 reviews
My friend absolutely adored this gift, so well done, thank you!

Brilliant I’ve had 2 done now, and both consistently good quality and how i hoped they would be.

High quality, digital file was easy to print on my own! Very responsive seller with a quick turnaround time :) would order again!

Another fantastic portrait! This is my second order and I have been super happy. I've had several people ask for the info of this artist as they want to purchase their own!

The final product was perfect. The original photo I sent did not render great results and Jenny let me send others. She provided previews to ensure complete satisfaction. I just love it. My cousin’s dog passed, and this is a gift for her. I know it she will treasure the portrait. 💕

Great purchase and helpful customer service

Absolutely brilliant product! So happy with the final result. I went for a digital copy and was skeptical about getting it printed bigger than A4 but it was absolutely fine 🙏

When I needed a replacement frame as the one got damaged with delivery the seller was extremely helpful! The outcome is also so amazing and looks incredible

Excellent product, which will be the perfect present ! Great service & communication from seller. Fabulous all round :) happy customer x

My friend absolutely adored this gift, so well done, thank you!

Brilliant I’ve had 2 done now, and both consistently good quality and how i hoped they would be.

High quality, digital file was easy to print on my own! Very responsive seller with a quick turnaround time :) would order again!

Another fantastic portrait! This is my second order and I have been super happy. I've had several people ask for the info of this artist as they want to purchase their own!

The final product was perfect. The original photo I sent did not render great results and Jenny let me send others. She provided previews to ensure complete satisfaction. I just love it. My cousin’s dog passed, and this is a gift for her. I know it she will treasure the portrait. 💕

Great purchase and helpful customer service

Absolutely brilliant product! So happy with the final result. I went for a digital copy and was skeptical about getting it printed bigger than A4 but it was absolutely fine 🙏

When I needed a replacement frame as the one got damaged with delivery the seller was extremely helpful! The outcome is also so amazing and looks incredible

Excellent product, which will be the perfect present ! Great service & communication from seller. Fabulous all round :) happy customer x

My friend absolutely adored this gift, so well done, thank you!

Brilliant I’ve had 2 done now, and both consistently good quality and how i hoped they would be.

High quality, digital file was easy to print on my own! Very responsive seller with a quick turnaround time :) would order again!

Another fantastic portrait! This is my second order and I have been super happy. I've had several people ask for the info of this artist as they want to purchase their own!

The final product was perfect. The original photo I sent did not render great results and Jenny let me send others. She provided previews to ensure complete satisfaction. I just love it. My cousin’s dog passed, and this is a gift for her. I know it she will treasure the portrait. 💕

Great purchase and helpful customer service

Absolutely brilliant product! So happy with the final result. I went for a digital copy and was skeptical about getting it printed bigger than A4 but it was absolutely fine 🙏

When I needed a replacement frame as the one got damaged with delivery the seller was extremely helpful! The outcome is also so amazing and looks incredible

Excellent product, which will be the perfect present ! Great service & communication from seller. Fabulous all round :) happy customer x

My friend absolutely adored this gift, so well done, thank you!

Brilliant I’ve had 2 done now, and both consistently good quality and how i hoped they would be.

High quality, digital file was easy to print on my own! Very responsive seller with a quick turnaround time :) would order again!

Another fantastic portrait! This is my second order and I have been super happy. I've had several people ask for the info of this artist as they want to purchase their own!

The final product was perfect. The original photo I sent did not render great results and Jenny let me send others. She provided previews to ensure complete satisfaction. I just love it. My cousin’s dog passed, and this is a gift for her. I know it she will treasure the portrait. 💕

Great purchase and helpful customer service

Absolutely brilliant product! So happy with the final result. I went for a digital copy and was skeptical about getting it printed bigger than A4 but it was absolutely fine 🙏

When I needed a replacement frame as the one got damaged with delivery the seller was extremely helpful! The outcome is also so amazing and looks incredible

Excellent product, which will be the perfect present ! Great service & communication from seller. Fabulous all round :) happy customer x

My friend absolutely adored this gift, so well done, thank you!

Brilliant I’ve had 2 done now, and both consistently good quality and how i hoped they would be.

High quality, digital file was easy to print on my own! Very responsive seller with a quick turnaround time :) would order again!

Another fantastic portrait! This is my second order and I have been super happy. I've had several people ask for the info of this artist as they want to purchase their own!

The final product was perfect. The original photo I sent did not render great results and Jenny let me send others. She provided previews to ensure complete satisfaction. I just love it. My cousin’s dog passed, and this is a gift for her. I know it she will treasure the portrait. 💕

Great purchase and helpful customer service

Absolutely brilliant product! So happy with the final result. I went for a digital copy and was skeptical about getting it printed bigger than A4 but it was absolutely fine 🙏

When I needed a replacement frame as the one got damaged with delivery the seller was extremely helpful! The outcome is also so amazing and looks incredible

Excellent product, which will be the perfect present ! Great service & communication from seller. Fabulous all round :) happy customer x

My friend absolutely adored this gift, so well done, thank you!

Brilliant I’ve had 2 done now, and both consistently good quality and how i hoped they would be.

High quality, digital file was easy to print on my own! Very responsive seller with a quick turnaround time :) would order again!

Another fantastic portrait! This is my second order and I have been super happy. I've had several people ask for the info of this artist as they want to purchase their own!

The final product was perfect. The original photo I sent did not render great results and Jenny let me send others. She provided previews to ensure complete satisfaction. I just love it. My cousin’s dog passed, and this is a gift for her. I know it she will treasure the portrait. 💕

Great purchase and helpful customer service

Absolutely brilliant product! So happy with the final result. I went for a digital copy and was skeptical about getting it printed bigger than A4 but it was absolutely fine 🙏

When I needed a replacement frame as the one got damaged with delivery the seller was extremely helpful! The outcome is also so amazing and looks incredible

Excellent product, which will be the perfect present ! Great service & communication from seller. Fabulous all round :) happy customer x